For those interested or currently in the process of obtaining a recreational marijuana license in Oregon, there are some important laws that you should familiarize yourself with. As with entering any business or industry, researching the laws surrounding legal compliance is a key step in...

Since legalizing marijuana in 2014, the State of Oregon has experienced an oversaturation of its legal marijuana market, driving down prices and creating a surplus. Observers have opined that the surplus is fundamentally caused by the initial explosion of the industry upon legalization, and Oregon's...

That is a headline that can make you smile. With over half of the U.S. states making marijuana legal in some form, it is a common assertion to declare that marijuana usage is on the rise. With more states legalizing the drug each year, the...

Farmers of various crops across the country routinely rely on insurance to protect them against unavoidable catastrophic losses. These losses are caused by a variety of phenomena from natural disasters to economic turmoil. Without this insurance, many farmers would simply be unable to stay in...

With the California senator’s recent announcement as Joe Biden’s vice president, many people in and outside of the cannabis industry wonder how, if elected, Kamala Harris will treat the cannabis industry. As her home state of California legalized recreational marijuana in 2018, some believe that...

Never ask a plumber if you need a plumber to fix a plumbing problem. You both know the answer before you even ask. Sometimes you can afford a plumber, sometimes you want to go it alone. Still, with more and more states making marijuana legal...

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