Domestically, the laws and policy surrounding cannabis are among America’s most confusing. Due to the legality of cannabis itself fluctuating greatly depending on where you’re currently located, the punishments for cannabis possession and use can range greatly. If you were caught with cannabis in Denver...

While The United States and all its 50 states that aren’t exactly united occupy most of the news stories regarding further cannabis legalization and economy, it’s important for activists and those who are personally or professionally invested in cannabis to understand that America is far...

Paving the way for global medical research, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs voted in December 2020 to remove cannabis from Schedule IV of their drug classification list. Schedule IV also includes dangerous and highly addictive drugs such as heroin and fentanyl. The reclassification, which garnered...

The island that is often known by foreigners as a haven for pot smokers is experiencing a shortage of marijuana due to heavy rains followed by an extended drought. Although still technically illegal, marijuana in Jamaica is typically bountiful and inexpensive due to lax enforcement...

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