Know The Law: Marijuana Worker Permits In Oregon
For those interested or currently in the process of obtaining a recreational marijuana license in Oregon, there are some important laws that you should familiarize yourself with. As with entering any business or industry, researching the laws surrounding legal compliance is a key step in becoming fully prepared and informed. Critically, if you don’t comply with current industry regulations, you could face serious consequences including suspensions and fines. Let’s take a look at what Oregon law requires of marijuana employers with respect to their employees, and the process of obtaining a marijuana worker permit.
Marijuana Worker Permit
Oregon requires all employees who work on behalf of an Oregon Liquor Control Commission (“OLCC”) licensed producer, processor, wholesaler, or retailer, including the licensees working in a licensed business or managing information in Cannabis Tracking System (“CTS”), to possess a marijuana worker permit if they participate in any of the following:
- Possession, production, propagation, processing, securing or selling of marijuana items at the premises for which the license has been issued
- Recording of the possession, production, propagation, processing, securing or selling of marijuana items at the premises for which the license has been issued
- The verification of identification
- The direct supervision of a person described above
If you have questions on whether an employee requires a marijuana worker permit, you can contact the Oregon Liquor Control Commission for specific information relating to your inquiry.
Obtaining A Marijuana Worker Permit
You must be at least 21 years of age to obtain a permit. Follow these steps:
- Review the education materials. The OLCC has prepared a handbook which is available online to educate those who intend on working in the cannabis industry. The handbook focuses on the laws and regulations relating to the marijuana industry. The information covers basic knowledge to help employees safely participate in all aspects of the marijuana market
- Take the test. After reviewing the educational materials, the employee must take a test on the material covered in the handbook. A minimum score of 70 percent is required.
- Complete the application. In order to complete this process, you must first create a worker permit account online and answer all questions completely and accurately. A valid photo ID must be uploaded as well.
- Pay for the permit. Once you have completed the application and passed the background check, you will need to submit payment for the permit. The fee is currently $100.
- Print your permit. After completing all the above steps, you will be able to print out a physical copy of your permit. It is important that you keep a copy of your permit for your records.
Failing to ensure that all required employees possess a valid marijuana permit may result in suspension of your license in addition to fines and penalties, so be careful. it is recommended that you contact the OLCC for any specific questions or concerns relating to marijuana worker permits.